Kate & Stephen

August 31, 2024 • Petoskey, MI

Kate & Stephen

August 31, 2024 • Petoskey, MI

Our Story

Stephen and Kate met in January of 2020 at The Goose in Darien, CT at a mutual friend's 25th birthday that also worked at PwC. A few weeks later COVID-19 was rampant.

With the world locked down the two began talking intermittently on their work chat, eventually moving on to texting regularly. Stephen's original plan to travel internationally the fall of 2020 was foiled so he decided to take advantage of remote work and embark on a cross country road trip. Meanwhile, Kate had booked a cabin in New Hampshire to Getaway for a few days. Realizing a potential synergy in their plans, Stephen inquired if he could crash on Kate's couch when he was in Chicago in exchange for driving her from New Hampshire back to Chicago.

Having met only once in person, their friends teased them about going on a road trip together, raising questions of the potential murder or kidnapping that could take place. The two decided to create a sound track for their road trip “Not Charles Manson”, and in September The 2020: Sapgar's Make American Road Trips Great Again Couch Tour Road Trip of America - Rona Edition (Stephen and Kate drive from State to State - Not murdering a single person) began.

By December 2020 they had been to the White Mountains in New Hampshire; Wilmington, Vermont; Ithaca, New York; Chicago, Illinois; The Upper Peninsula of Michigan; Lawrence, Kansas; Carbondale, Colorado; Dillon, Colorado and all the way back to Chicago.

After living in the close quarters of various Airbnb's across the country and spending countless hours in the car together, the two decided to move in together in Chicago. Since then they moved to Boston, Massachusetts from the fall of 2021 to the spring of 2023 and now live in Fairfield, Connecticut with their dog Remy.

We can't wait to celebrate with everyone soon!